Fast ForWord
Fast ForWord software products, created by Scientific Learning, develop the cognitive sklls required to read and learn effectively. The basis for Fast ForWord products comes from more than 30 years of peer-reviewed neuroscience research on reading and learning in children, adolescents, and adults.
Reading and learning require a variety of cognitive skills that must function effectively in unison. Fast ForWord develops the critical learning skills of Memory, Attention, Processing, and Sequencing, which the company refers to as Learning MAPs. These skills are important prerequisites for successful reading. When Learning MAPs are stronger, students are able to benifit from reading instruction.
Memory - hold information and ideas. Short and long term; essential for wrod recognition, comprehension of complex sentences and remembering instructions.
Attention - focus on tasks and ignore distractions.
Processing - see and distinguish images and sounds quickly enough to discriminate their differences; a prerequisite for phonemic awareness and reading.
Sequencing- a cognitive skill that relies on memory, attention and processing, and is essential for phonics, word fluency, reading and oral comprehension.